Friday, February 23, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my dear husband. Max asked Dad his favorite cake when he came home from working out this morning and he picked Carrot Cake. Max got right to work and had the carrots "pulverized", oven set, eggs cracked, sugar and oil measured and beat, flour sifted and in the oven within 20 minutes. Now our home is filled with a yummy aroma of a baking cake which will be frosted and topped with 36 candles tonight. The cake will be enjoyed by us after some Pizza. Timer is going off........


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your dh! My s-i-l's b-day is the same day. And my dh had carrot cake for his b-day too. It was so awesome, we talked our dear daughter into making one for Michael's baptism celebration.

Enjoy blogging!